Adrienne & Brad

October 12, 2024 • Mobile, AL

Adrienne & Brad

October 12, 2024 • Mobile, AL

Our Story

Adrienne's & Brad's Story Begin Like This...

Brides Point of view:

Picture of Brides Point of view:

Through my best friend Danielle Smalls, I met Brad Dawson, and we immediately connected. Our first date was at the park, and he pulled up on a motorcycle. The first thing I thought when he pulled up was, “My daddy is not going to like that motorcycle,” but we talked and got to know each other, and both knew that we had found something special. As I continue in the master's program at the University of Alabama, he has been incredibly supportive, and I am grateful for his patience. I am thrilled to spend the rest of my life with Bradley Dawson.

Grooms point of view:

Picture of Grooms point of view:

From the Grooms Point of view:

My partner and his fiancé were having a going away party so I went to the party expecting to see the normal people I’m use to seeing. I didn’t know that the whole time they were setting Adrienne and I up the whole time to meet each other. Our connection was instant. Our first date was at the park from then we got to know one another and I begin to like Adrienne more and more and she me. We been rocking strong ever since.


“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” — Maya Angelou